Planning a four year old girls birthday party is a mammoth effort. Four seems to be the age when they have definite opinions about what they like (and definitely what they don’t like!!!)
Rainbows, fairies and unicorns are very popular with many little Miss Fours (and a quite a few Little Mr Fours too!) at the moment. Plus, they make a winning combination for a birthday party theme. You can put your design skills to the test and create your own invitations from one of the many free templates online (or we won’t look down on you if you buy them, there are plenty to choose from in the shops. Once you have your invitations ready to go, Miss Four can adorn them with a loving sprinkle of glitter to add a bit more magic.
Be grateful if Miss Fours birthday is in spring or summer because you can hold her party in your backyard (and keep the sticky mess out of the house!!). It does take a bit more time and effort to have the party at home – but if you’re organised you can keep the costs under control and theme the party excactly how you (and Miss Four) want it.
If pink is the colour of the moment, you can set up a few gazebos in the back yard and adorn them with pretty, floaty sparkly pink fabrics. Food can be easy, with fairy bread, unicorn cup-cakes (click here for the easy ones), and a few other party snacks of your choice. If you’re feeling splashing out a bit, there are some amazing unicorn cakes available. If not, just surf around on Pinterest for some pretty but simple cake decorating ideas.
Most people are unsure about seating (and don’t own a lot of outdoor seats) You never know how many parents want to stay at the party with their children, and of course you need adequate seating for the ten little fairies to play pass the parcel, musical chairs and to watch everyone take their turn at pin the tail on the unicorn.
To ensure there are enough seats for everybody, hiring outdoor beanbags is a fantastic idea. The team at Outdoor Bean Bag Hire can deliver a whole lot of bright pink beanbags for you the day before. They will be able to show you two ways to arrange the beanbags. Chair position is great for games, and the long lounge position is good for chill time. It can also fit up to three four year olds on one bag if needed.
These will be a great hit at your party, both with the parents and the little fairies. These bags are a great source of climbing, tumbling and general acrobatic entertainment for the sugar hyped fairies. You don’t have to worry about stainsor sticky marks, just a quick easy wipe and they are good as new. You will be thrilled with how tough, and durable these vinyl beanbags are. Its such a good feeling to know that they can stand up to a crew of four year olds.
These are a great option when you need extra outdoor seating, contact the team at Outdoor Beanbag Hire for your next party.