The music is blaring. Excited people are arriving in their hundreds, temporary tattoos on their skin and flower crowns nestled in their hair. Every move is a collective one, in time to the pounding bass and punctuated by a shining stream of glitter.
The festival atmosphere is like an embodiment of youth, of what it really means to be young and without a care in the world. People from all walks of life come together to share passion, listen to music, and make the most of being young and alive. Naturally, the process of letting loose can be a tiring one, one that keeps you on your feet until they start to ache, and that’s why comfortable seating is an absolute must.
After many long hours of jumping and dancing, muscles start to fatigue and festival goers crave comfort, somewhere they can sit back, relax, and watch the party from afar for a while. Our outdoor bean bags are super inviting and the perfect choice for rejuvenating in between the best songs. Just as versatile as the partiers, by tucking the end under the middle seat component you can position your bag like a seat – perfect for people watching! If you’re feeling a little more exhausted, perhaps in need of a refreshing nap, then our bags can be stretched out into a lounge so you can catch some z’s before you catch back up to the music! In all of the excitement, the booming sound, the dancing around, making friends, sipping on a drink or two, spills are inevitable at a festival. That’s why our easy to clean are made to resist liquid damage. Just give the vinyl a quick wipe and your bag will be as good as new! If the weather takes an unexpected turn on the day of the event, never fear! Our comfy bags are lightweight and easy to move someplace a little drier!
From classy white to subtle black, to vibrant red, orange, yellow, pink, silver, green, blue or purple, our rainbow selection of bean bags will fit right in and really liven up the festival environment. There’s something for every party goer, every musician, and every awesome pop song! Whether the festival highlights are the banging tunes, the incredible games, the great party atmosphere, or the brilliant new friends, one thing is for sure: everyone will remember the bean bag they fell into when they just couldn’t groove one more step! Our funky bean bags are the perfect midpoint between fun and comfort; let the party animals live while they’re young AND rest when they need to!