Ice Skating Hens Day
It sounds exciting when you are asked to be the Maid of Honour at one of your best friend’s weddings, but as time goes on, you begin to realise there is more work involved than what you originally thought. It’s a labour of love (unless your bestie transforms into a bridezilla!). In my opinion, the best part is organizing the hen’s night.
Most of the bride’s close friends and family are from the Northern suburbs, so to make things easy for all we decided to keep the festivities close to home. It’s tricky to celebrate her last night of freedom in a way that includes the family and friends (especially when there are some conservative aunties that want an invite).
I decided to start the festivities with a bit of class, with Sparkling High Tea at Eden Gardens. In keeping with tradition, we will still have some penis party favours at High Tea, and we will force the bride to wear a bright pink tacky tulle veil for the day.
The bride is mad on ice skating, so for the next part of her day we are going to relive our teenage years with a one-hour skating session at Macquarie Ice Rink. This is a great way to get rid of the oldies, and get the party started.
After skating, the plan is for everybody to go straight to my house and get the party started with plenty of bubbles, shots and general silliness. I anticipate there will be a few achy people, post skating that will definitely want a bit of a sit down.
With comfort in mind, I decided to hire a whole lot of beanbags. Outdoor Beanbag Hire are going to drop a whole lot of hot pink beanbags off to me the day before. We can set the beanbags up as upright seats to start with, and stretch them out for a more loungey option later on.
They have assured me that their bags are sturdy enough to stand up to a pack of wobbly ladies (unlike cheap chairs where at least one normally gets broken or stained). Because their bags are made of vinyl, a quick wipe will easily remove the remnants of any spilt drinks (or strippers shhhhhh).
Now that things are falling into place, I can start getting excited. Thanks Outdoor Beanbag Hire!